True stories...
At a special occasion a specific reamer was needed to be delivered to the oil rig immediately.
The EKOFISK oil field is placed in the central north sea, north of the border between
Danmark and Norway and spreads out to the Scottish borders.
A production shut-down means a loss of millions Euros by day. This is where operating in 3-shifts comes
in handy. Due to the stored data in our system we were able to manufacture the tool
as needed overnight, then delivered via express / air freight next morning and arriving
at the oil rig in time.
With this customised logistic chain a production shut-down at the
oil rig was prevented. This emergency action resulted in a very positive supplier
evaluation. This evaluation score prevented us from the annual supplier audit and
resulted in a premium ranking since. Oil off- and on-shore is a client of ours since more than 25 years now.
Shipyards for icebreakers, passanger-, cargo-, coaster-, fishing- and cruise ships.
Shipyards for icebreakers, passenger-, cargo-, coaster-, fishing- and cruise ships. witec® GmbH Werkzeug- und Industrietechnik is supplying drilling and threading tools, countersinks, reamers, endmills and saws, as well as special tools for the ship building industry. During a meeting we talked about the welding of the metal sheets for the ship body. Although welding is not our field of expertise we realized the huge effort being necessary to prepare massive metal sheets for welding. Within a few days we made an offer for a special endmill which allows to prepare the welding bevels with considerably less effort. Using our special endmill reduced the operation time for welding significantly. Witec® tools are brought into use for well known cruise ships like MEIN SCHIFF 6, 1 and 2, as well as the next generation of COSTA- and CARNIVAL cruise ships. As construction times with this type of ships are very tight a seamless on time process flow is crucial. Due to our high quality tools and short term delivery, based on fast construction and manufacturing of special tools, we support in time ship building.
Whether a car, a truck or a bus, the component must be deliverd clean, burr-free and with polished surface.
At the automotive arena witec® provides highest precision. A large-scale witec® customer with more than 100 branches in Europe is in the repair and maintainance business for trucks, buses and agricultural machinery. In addition to the witec® standard program tools for special use are needed regurlary. The incoming calls and inquiries from the European branches are handled immediately by witec® specialist. After a few minutes orders are forwarded to Rödermark and delivered same day or minimum next day, to allow vehicles to be back into use fast.